
Joint operations between Frontex Agency and Moldovan Border Police

During a meeting on Wednesday, May 18, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the draft law amending some normative acts, which will allow the joint operations to be carried out by the Frontex Agency and the Border Police.

We mention that on March 17, 2022, an Agreement was signed between the Republic of Moldova and the European Union on the operational actions carried out by the European Agency for the Border Police and Coast Guard in the Republic of Moldova.

According to the officials, the presence of the Frontex Agency in the Republic of Moldova contributes to increasing the security on the east coast of the European Union, which implies both the internal security of the Republic of Moldova and the regional one.

Thus, in order to implement the treaty, but also to give the Border Police the possibility to carry out joint activities with Frontex, it was proposed to amend several normative acts, which will allow the agency’s representatives to use special means, as well as legalize residence during joint operations. The implementation of the law will be done within the limits of budget allocations.

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